About the Council
The Mississippi Council on Developmental Disabilities (MCSDD) is a membership board appointed by the Governor. This body of advocates promotes quality of life issues for people with developmental disabilities, their families, and the community. Board membership is composed of at least 60% representation from people with developmental disabilities and family members (parents/siblings).
MSCDD also includes representatives from public agencies and private organizations. The public agency representatives are designated to serve by top leadership from each agency. Required organizational representatives are from the following: Department of Rehabilitation Services (Rehabilitation Act of 1973), Department of Education (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), Department of Human Services (Older Americans Act of 1965), Office of Medicaid (Title XIX), Department of Public Health (Title V), Disability Rights (Protection & Advocacy), Institute for Disability Studies (UCEDD), and representation from a non-governmental agency and private non-profit entity.
MSCDD is one of 56 Councils across the U.S. and its territories. MSCDD is funded through the Administration on Disabilities’ Office of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (OIDD), which is under the Administration for Community Living within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For more information on Councils on Developmental Disabilities, visit https://acl.gov/programs/aging-and -disability-networks/state-councils-developmental-disabilities.